

随着2019年自贡灯笼的发展进入一个新阶段,许多新技术的出现极大地扩展了灯笼的实用范围和应用。 今天,自贡三和将为每个人评估不同的灯笼生产流程。首先,传统的丝绸框架线框架工艺目前是灯笼生产中最常用的,最常见的生产工艺,从一千多年前古人使用的竹筏工艺升级而来。 该工艺主要由钢管作为结构,钢丝和钢丝作为形状的轮廓,因此被称为线框。二,LED灯条 带工艺灯笼的LED灯适用于现代场合。 由于工艺现代,亮度高,颜色明亮柔和。 它既可以用于装饰和照明,也可以随意弯曲。 这很实用。 强大。三,瓷器工艺 瓷器出现在宋代,曾经是中国的伟大发明之一。 因此,中国也被称为瓷器。 瓷器工艺是灯笼生产历史上的里程碑。&....

How to Hold A Successful Lantern Festival

1. Market investigationThe organizer should fully investigate and analyze the local market before the lantern festival2. Revenue forecast(1) ticket sales(2) total naming fee of the lantern festival(3) naming fee of lantern group(4) income of franchise fee (such as: venue and booth rental,food and beverage sales,etc.)(5) all kinds of advertising rev....


1. Hardware conditions(1) exhibition locationA. Ground Area: the area requirements of different scale of the lantern exhibition are different, the medium-sized lantern exhibition needs more than 20,000 square meters (215278 sq.ft)or more.B.Landform: Public park is the best choice, there are ups and downs, trees and grass, even better if t....